

incy wincy spider

click and do the exercices

Hello! click on the image and choose the exercice you want.


Entrada de presentació amb fotografia

Welcome to the blog!


I hope you enjoy with this blog!! Bye

Our Animal Book

Read the book and try to do a little composition about the book. You can use the dictionary in case you need it.

You can do it until 18th of September. See you


REPEAT: Months of the year

COMPLETE: Old McDonald had a farm

On his farm he had a ______ with a mooh mooh here with a mooh mooh there...
On his fam he had some _____ with a cloh cloh here with a cloh cloh there...
On his farm he had some ______ with a baa-baa here with baa- baa there...
On his farm he had some _______with a oink-oink here with a oink-oink there....
on his farm he had some _______with a quack quack here with a quack quack there...

The little Teacher's magazine

the little Teacher’s magazine

Learn numbers 11 to 20

Learn numbers 1 to 10

Present Simple

There are only two basic forms for the simple present tense; one ends with -s and the other is Do or Does

Pronoun Personal Verb Form:
I Simple form
You Simple form
He Simple form + S
She 3rd Person Simple form + S (s,ch,sh,x,o)=ES
It Simple form + S
We Simple form
They Simple form

Max goes to the school every day.
Carlos wears jeans red every week.

Ariday kisses her boyfriend every day

My friend washes the uniform every week
They sing very nice.
Max doesn´t go to the school every day.
Carlos doesn´t wear jeans red every week

Ariday doesn´t kiss her boyfriend everyday

My friend doesn´t wash the uniform every week
They don´t sing very nice
Interrogative DO=(I,You,We,They) DOES= (He, She, It)
Does Max go to the school every day?
Does Carlos wear jeans red every week?
Does Ariday kiss her boyfriend every day?
Does my friend wash the uniform every week?

Do they sing very nice

Click on the image and practice with the exercices

This is the English teacher Mr. Right.



Here we can see some objects that we bring to school. Do you remember the names of this objects?


Be, aquest és el blog que anem a utilitzar periódicament per a repasar els temes que tractarem a classe. Es tracta de que vosaltres us fiqueu açí en aquest blog i deixeu els vostres comentaris i dubtes i entre tots ens vajam contestant. D'aquesta manera, tant vosaltres com jo, podrem contestar al company i així canviar opinions.

A banda dels dubtes i comentaris, aniré creant poc a poc links amb curiositats i exercisis de "Grammar", "listenings" and "writings" sobre el tema que estem tractant a classe, així podreu practicar tant amb l'ordinador i amb l'anglés.

I hope you like it, podreu donarme idees per saber jo quine coses us agraden.

See you soon. Your Teacher! :)